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4 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Tooth Loss as You Age

4 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Tooth Loss as You Age

As you get older, your risk of losing a tooth increases. That’s contrary to what we all want, of course, so is there anything to do about it?

At Smile Design Manhattan in New York City, we encourage our patients to build the kinds of habits that reduce the risk of tooth loss as they age. 

Here are four practices we recommend:

1. Practice good dental hygiene

Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day help keep your teeth clean, strong, and healthy. The brushing and flossing removes plaque, food particles, and bacteria from your teeth, helping prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Also, we stress the importance of keeping regular appointments for cleanings at your dentist’s office. A professional cleaning gets your teeth super clean — and allows the team to catch any issues while they’re small.

Treating problems in the early stages can keep your teeth in great shape.

2. Eat healthy

A balanced diet filled with fruits, vegetables, and proteins is not only good for your overall wellness, but it promotes strong and healthy teeth and gums.

What’s also significant is what you don’t eat — limit the sugary and acidic food and drinks that can wear away your tooth enamel, leading to decay over time. 

Candy, cookies, and cakes may taste good, and soda, sports drinks, and sweetened juices might be more exciting than water, but they’re not good for you (or your teeth) in the long run.

To help, here are a few tips on improving your dental health with a few changes to your diet.

3. Replace missing teeth

If you lose a tooth, replace it as soon as possible so its absence doesn’t lead to more missing teeth. When a tooth is missing, the surrounding teeth can shift and become misaligned. That can cause additional problems, including bite issues and gum disease.

 A dental implant is usually the best option to replace a single tooth.

4. Don’t ignore problems

Finally, if you notice a problem with your teeth, don’t ignore it. The problem only gets worse over time. Issues like sensitivity, impacted wisdom teeth, toothaches, and gum inflammation don’t get better on their own and could lead to tooth loss. 

If you’re due for a professional teeth cleaning, our team at Smile Design Manhattan has you covered. To schedule an appointment, call our Midtown West office at 646-278-4579 or book your visit online today.

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