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How to Prevent the Need for Another Root Canal

How to Prevent the Need for Another Root Canal

Root canals don’t have the greatest reputation, but at Smile Design Manhattan, they’re painless affairs. A root canal removes decay, infection, and damaged pulp from your tooth to prevent a more serious infection from spreading and requiring a tooth extraction.

After the decay is removed, we fill the cavity with dental cement before adding a crown to complete the procedure. Everything is done under anesthesia to prevent pain.

Here’s the thing, though. Even though we’re experts at root canals, we’d rather encourage you not to make a habit of them by taking good care of your teeth.

Here are a few tips on preventing the need for another root canal.

Eat a healthy diet

There are good bacteria and bad bacteria in your body. The bad kind love to work their way into your teeth, where they cause the decay and infection that necessitate a root canal.

To help keep bacteria out of your mouth, focus on a healthy diet low in sugar. Sugary drinks, snacks, and desserts leave a lot of that sugar on your teeth, where it helps bacteria thrive. Keep sugar out of your diet as much as possible to ward off bacteria.

Practice good oral hygiene

Another way to keep your mouth as bacteria-free as possible is to follow an oral hygiene routine. Brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once cleans bacteria and plaque off your teeth, and it also gets rid of food particles that bacteria feed on. 

An effective oral hygiene routine also includes regular visits to your dentist, who can check your mouth for beginning signs of decay. Catching decay early means easier and less invasive treatments than a root canal.

Protect your teeth

When decay-causing bacteria find their way into your teeth, it’s often because the protective enamel on your teeth broke down. Do everything you can to protect the enamel on your teeth. 

That means avoiding hard and sticky foods, such as ice and hard candy, and keeping sugary drinks to a minimum (sugar helps weaken enamel). 

Also, don’t use your teeth on non-food items (tearing plastic, opening a bag, etc.). That lowers your risk of chipped or cracked teeth, giving bacteria another way in.

If you need more guidance or treatment, our team at Smile Design Manhattan is here to help. Call our office in the Midtown West area of New York City or use our online scheduler to book your appointment today.

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