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What's Included in Full Mouth Rehab?

What's Included in Full Mouth Rehab?

People who want to improve their smiles sometimes just need a little help — a veneer to straighten out a tooth, maybe, or teeth whitening to remove discoloration.

Other times, the best way to get the smile you want is to do a complete renovation. At Smile Design Manhattan in New York City’s Midtown West neighborhood, we call this process a full mouth rehab.

Here’s how it works and what’s included:

What’s a full mouth rehab?

A full mouth rehab combines general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry to address several oral health and aesthetic concerns with your smile and mouth. Instead of piecing together one solution here and another solution there over time, we create your ideal smile at once.

In the past, many people chose to get dentures if they had enough problems with their teeth and smiles. Thanks to today’s technological advancements in dental treatments, there are new ways to improve the look, feel, and function of your smile.

A full mouth rehab is an effective way to give you the smile you want and need.

What services does a full mouth rehab include?

The goals of a full mouth rehab are creating your ideal smile and fixing any oral health issues.

There are many aspects to consider as we begin this process: We look at the size, shape, alignment, color, and appearance of your teeth and consider your skin tone, hair color, the size and shape of your gums and lips, and how your smile affects your overall appearance.

Your custom rehab plan depends entirely on your specific situation and needs. Here are services that we consider while building your plan:

Filling replacements and crowns

A good way to upgrade your smile is to replace old, dark fillings and metal crowns with porcelain that matches the natural shade of your teeth. Your smile looks more uniform, and you enjoy a reduction in teeth sensitivity.


Dr. Lee Gause can cover minor imperfections in your teeth (small chips or small gaps) with an enamel-colored composite that matches your teeth and gives them a consistent look.

Teeth whitening

If your teeth are discolored or uneven in tone, our whitening treatment can lighten your teeth by up to eight shades. This improved coloration still matches your skin tone and hair color.

Tooth replacement

If you’re one of the 120 million Americans missing at least one tooth, replacing one or several is a big component of your full mouth rehab. We have several ways to replace teeth depending on your needs, including dental implants and bridges.


Veneers are an all-purpose way to enhance your smile. You can cover one tooth or multiple teeth with these thin, porcelain shells. 

They’re great for covering discoloration and small issues like chipped or cracked teeth, minorly misaligned teeth, or small gaps between your teeth. They can be created to look just like your natural teeth so no one can tell you have them.

Other services

Some people may need additional services as part of a full mouth rehab. These could include procedures like gum lifts or other services to address oral health issues.

When you’re ready to make your dream smile a reality, our expert team at Smile Design Manhattan is ready to go to work. To schedule an appointment, call our Midtown Manhattan office at 646-278-4579 or book your visit online today.

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