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Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Dental Cleanings This Year

The new year is here, and with it comes new goals and ambitions.

As you make your plans for the next 12 months, make sure to include your twice-a-year professional dental cleanings.

You might be tempted to skip them, but as our expert team at Smile Design Manhattan in New York City can tell you, attending regular cleanings is one of the most important steps to ensure good oral health.

Here are three reasons you shouldn’t skip your dental cleanings.

Your teeth need deep cleaning

Even if you faithfully follow a good oral hygiene routine — brushing your teeth twice and flossing at least once a day — plaque and tartar can build up on your teeth, especially in hard-to-reach places.

Our professional dental tools can give your teeth a level of deep cleaning that’s impossible to match with your toothbrush. If you skip a cleaning, the plaque and tartar buildup can begin to contribute to tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease. 

Don’t give those problems a chance — go to your appointments!

We need to check for any oral health issues

At your cleaning, we also check your mouth for warning signs of any oral health issues. We look for early signs of tooth decay, which can lead to infections and cavities, and check your gums to see if periodontal disease has started to make any inroads into your gums.

We also look for any indications of oral cancer, using X-rays to look for any issues we can’t spot with the naked eye.

The advantage of regular appointments is we can establish a baseline for your oral health. If we do spot anything out of the ordinary, we catch it early, before it becomes a larger problem requiring more extensive (and expensive) treatment.

Oral health supports your overall health

Your oral health doesn’t just affect your teeth or mouth — it can be a window into your overall health. Infections from untreated gum disease can enter your bloodstream and travel to other parts of your body, and gum disease can contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease.

Conditions such as thyroid disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease can also exhibit oral symptoms. Our team is trained to look for those symptoms and alert you that you may have one of those conditions.

If you’re due — or overdue — for a professional teeth cleaning, our team at Smile Design Manhattan can help. Call our Midtown office at 646-278-4579 to schedule your appointment.

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