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Blog Archive

5 Reasons to Replace an Old Dental Filling Mar 2nd, 2025

If you’ve ever had a cavity, you know the fix usually involves a dental filling. That can save your mouth from further tooth decay and a more serious infection while preventing the need for a root canal. While a filling can solve the problem, it doesn’t last forever. Fillings wear...

Your Guide to Dental Implants: Understanding the Process Feb 10th, 2025

If you’re missing a tooth, the question isn’t whether you should replace it, but how. For the sake of your oral health and the continued strength of your jawbone, you need to fill that spot. The gold standard of tooth replacement is a dental implant — dentists install more than...

Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Dental Cleanings This Year Jan 7th, 2025

The new year is here, and with it comes new goals and ambitions. As you make your plans for the next 12 months, make sure to include your twice-a-year professional dental cleanings. You might be tempted to skip them, but as our expert team at Smile Design Manhattan in New...

4 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Tooth Loss as You Age Dec 6th, 2024

As you get older, your risk of losing a tooth increases. That’s contrary to what we all want, of course, so is there anything to do about it? At Smile Design Manhattan in New York City, we encourage our patients to build the kinds of habits that reduce the risk...

Bring Smile Design Manhattan to Your Office with Our One-of-a-Kind On-site Services Nov 8th, 2024

Do you find it hard to fit a dentist appointment into your daily routine? When your regular cleaning rolls around, do you think, “I really don’t have time for this”? Here at Smile Design Manhattan in New York City, we get it, so we did something about it. Welcome to...

What's Included in Full Mouth Rehab? Oct 11th, 2024

People who want to improve their smiles sometimes just need a little help — a veneer to straighten out a tooth, maybe, or teeth whitening to remove discoloration. Other times, the best way to get the smile you want is to do a complete renovation. At Smile Design Manhattan in...

4 Signs It's Time for Wisdom Tooth Removal Sep 18th, 2024

Quick, what’s the common name for your third set of molars? For those of you who didn’t go to dental school, your third set of molars is commonly known as your wisdom teeth. They usually don’t appear in your mouth until ages 17-21, although they can show up earlier or...

How Safe Is Sedation Dentistry? Aug 7th, 2024

You have to go to the dentist, and you’re anxious. Maybe you had a bad experience as a child, maybe a dentist treated you badly, maybe an oral health issue caused you a lot of pain. Whatever the cause, you’re so worried that you’re considering canceling your appointment — until...

How to Prevent the Need for Another Root Canal Jul 19th, 2024

Root canals don’t have the greatest reputation, but at Smile Design Manhattan, they’re painless affairs. A root canal removes decay, infection, and damaged pulp from your tooth to prevent a more serious infection from spreading and requiring a tooth extraction. After the decay is removed, we fill the cavity with...

5 Popular Reasons to Get Veneers Jun 18th, 2024

The popularity of veneers is on the rise. The dental veneers market in the United States is about $1 billion a year, and that’s only expected to rise in the next few years.  Veneers are thin porcelain shells that fit over your existing teeth to improve your smile. So what’s...

Does Your Child Have Special Needs? Here's How to Make Their Dentist Visits Run Smoothly May 16th, 2024

If your child has special needs, you already know there are plenty of aspects to their life that cause you to worry about them. Regular visits to the dentist’s office don’t need to be on that list. At Smile Design Manhattan in the Midtown West neighborhood of New York City,...

Signs It's Time to Consider Dental Implants Apr 9th, 2024

By the time you get to the end of this post, you may realize you’re a serious candidate for a dental implant. If that’s the case, you’ll join 3 million others in the United States with at least one implant — a number that grows by 500,000 people every year....

Helping a Teen Take Care of Their Aligners Mar 7th, 2024

Teenagers who need their teeth straightened are choosing clear plastic aligners (such as Invisalign®) instead of metal braces in increasing numbers. Aligners offer the significant advantage of not being nearly as noticeable or bulky as braces, but caring for them can be trickier, especially with teenagers. Here at Smile Design...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

How to Care for Your Tooth After a Filling Feb 7th, 2024

If you’re due at the dentist for a filling, take comfort in this: You’re among the 90% of Americans ages 20-64 who have some form of tooth decay. That adds up to about 175 million fillings performed by dentists every year. Since tooth decay is such a common problem, the...

4 Signs of a Dental Abscess Jan 9th, 2024

A dental abscess, also called an abscessed tooth, is a pocket of pus that forms near a tooth. A dental abscess looks like a red, swollen bump. It’s caused by a bacterial infection that can spread to your jawbone and surrounding teeth. There are three types of dental abscesses: Gingival,...

When to Consider Sedation Dentistry for Your Child Dec 5th, 2023

Dental anxiety involves a physical or psychological reaction to an anticipated visit to the dentist’s office. Something about the prospect of sitting in the dental chair evokes dread in up to 19% of the population. Kids are no exception. At Smile Design Manhattan in the Midtown West neighborhood of New...

A Hollywood Smile in One Treatment: All About Veneers Nov 10th, 2023

Just the name brings specific images to mind: the iconic sign in the hills, the Walk of Fame, and movie stars on the red carpet flashing brilliant, perfect smiles. Looking for a Hollywood smile yourself? At Smile Design Manhattan in New York City’s Midtown West neighborhood, we can make your...

Why You Shouldn't Delay Your Root Canal Treatment Oct 1st, 2023

Try this: Walk up to a friend and mention “root canal.” Then stand back and watch their face. Chances are, they’ll react with horror or fear at the thought of this supposedly painful procedure. In reality, it’s relatively painless. It’s the problem that necessitates the root canal that’s painful. That...

5 Ways to Ensure a Comfortable Dental Cleaning Experience Sep 1st, 2023

You’ve put it off as long as you can. You’re worried it’s going to be painful and difficult. But you realize you can’t procrastinate anymore — it’s time to visit the dentist. At Smile Design Manhattan in New York City, you needn’t worry about uncomfortable or painful appointments. Our team goes the...

Signs It's Time to Have Your Dental Filling Replaced Aug 1st, 2023

Almost 90% of Americans ages 20-64 have experienced dental decay, which means they’ve had cavities and probably fillings too. When you get a filling, you’re probably not thinking about how long it might last — you just want to get out of the dentist’s office and back home as soon as possible....

What to Expect After Your All-on-4 Implant Procedure Jul 11th, 2023

We tend to take our teeth for granted. We don’t think about them that much — until something goes wrong. And 40 million Americans know just how wrong things can go: That’s how many are missing all of their teeth. If you’re in that group or are missing either your upper or...

What Is Plaque and Why Is It a Problem? Jun 2nd, 2023

When you were growing up, your parents and dentist always told you to brush your teeth, right? That’s because they knew something you didn’t: If you didn’t clean your teeth, bacteria would take over and cause oral health issues. Those issues are primarily due to plaque. Here at Smile Design...

8 Problems That Veneers Resolve May 5th, 2023

Not happy with your smile when you look in the mirror? Chances are, veneers can fix your smile issues with minimal fuss. They’re less complicated to install than you might think, and once you have them, you may wonder why you waited so long. Veneers are thin porcelain shells that...

Brighten Your Teeth During Your Lunch Hour at SDM On-Site Apr 7th, 2023

You have a problem. Your teeth look dull lately, even yellowish, despite the fact that you take good care of them. You tried a few at-home teeth whitening treatments, but those whitening strips just didn’t seem to make much difference. So, you’re ready for a professional teeth whitening treatment. The...

I’m Nervous About My Upcoming Root Canal Mar 15th, 2023

You’ve likely heard about root canals your entire life, and there’s a good chance you associate them with fear and pain — even if you’ve never had one before. What if the opposite was true? What if a root canal wasn’t a cause for nervousness but seen as a routine,...

Here’s Exactly What Happens When Sugar Sits on Your Teeth Feb 14th, 2023

Somewhere in the deep recesses of your mind, you know sugar is bad for you, and more specifically, bad for your teeth. But do you know why? What is it about sugar that makes parents tell their kids, “Sugar will rot your teeth!”? The experienced dentists at Smile Design Manhattan, in...

How a Dentist Can Help Sleep Apnea Jan 8th, 2023

If you’re tired every morning because you’re waking up multiple times every night — especially if you’re snoring a lot — you might need to see a doctor to improve your sleep. Or maybe you need to visit the dentist. That’s right. If your dentist is anything like the experts...

Are Gaps in Your Teeth Dangerous? Dec 8th, 2022

In some cultures, a gap between teeth is a sign of good luck. The reality isn’t quite as fun — gaps between your teeth can cause problems for your oral and overall health. At Smile Design Manhattan in the Midtown West neighborhood of New York City, our dental experts want...

Pregnant? Here’s What You Should Know About Your Oral Health Nov 7th, 2022

When you’re pregnant, you no doubt have a long list of things to take care of, so it’s natural that you may not give too much thought to your oral health. The problem is that the changes in your body due to pregnancy can also cause issues with your oral...

What to Expect During Your Root Canal Treatment Oct 3rd, 2022

Getting a root canal sounds about as fun as, well, getting a root canal. Wait, so what do you compare a root canal to when you’re talking about something that’s not fun? We know that getting a root canal isn’t high on anyone’s list of fun things to do. But...

The Advantages of Pop-Up Dental Care Sep 19th, 2022

You know the drill: You’re on the phone with your dentist’s office, trying to schedule your next appointment. Your options include squeezing it in over your lunch hour, or maybe going early in the morning and then rushing to work, late again. But what if there’s another option? What if...

Are You Brushing and Flossing Properly? Aug 9th, 2022

Chances are your parents taught you how to brush and floss your teeth when you were a child. But maybe that’s the last time anyone talked to you about how to brush and floss. It’s worth taking another look to make sure you’re doing both properly, though. If you aren’t,...

I’m Anxious About My Upcoming Dental Appointment Jul 12th, 2022

According to the Journal of Dental Hygiene, 50% to 80% of Americans feel some degree of dental anxiety when they think about going to the dentist. So, if you’re feeling anxious about a trip to the dentist’s office, you’re not alone. Maybe you had a bad experience as a kid or as...

4 Benefits of a Gum Lift Jun 1st, 2022

If you’ve ever thought something didn’t look quite right about your smile, but your teeth are in good shape, you might have a “gummy smile.” A gum lift can help. Also known as gum contouring or a gingivectomy, a gum lift is a cosmetic dental procedure where your dentist uses a laser...

When to Consider All-on-4® Implants May 1st, 2022

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, about 40 million Americans are missing all of their teeth. Teeth replacement options used to be fairly limited, but advances in dentistry have led to a new technique called All-on-4® dental implants. Thanks to this implant technology, you can replace all of your upper or...

5 Ways to Prevent Cavities Apr 1st, 2022

Cavities are holes in your teeth formed when the tooth begins to decay because of acid and bacteria that attack the tooth’s enamel.  If you’re thinking that sounds bad, you’re right. The goal is to keep cavities from forming so you don’t have to fill the cavities at your dentist’s...

What Happens After Invisalign Treatment? Mar 2nd, 2022

You’ve been imagining the moment for so long: You take out your last set of Invisalign® trays, look in the mirror, and celebrate your brand-new, dazzling smile. It’s a great moment to look forward to, but once your treatment is finished, you may wonder what you need to do to...

Pinhole Gum Surgery: What to Expect Feb 1st, 2022

If you’ve been diagnosed with receding gums and you’re ready to treat the problem, pinhole gum surgery is a revolutionary new option that gets great results with minimal downtime and fuss. Our expert team of providers at Smile Design Manhattan in the Midtown West neighborhood of New York City has...

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: How to Prevent Dry Sockets Jan 5th, 2022

Your first two sets of molars are usually no problem. It’s the third set that can get you into trouble. This set of molars, better known as your wisdom teeth, generally appear in the back of your mouth in your late teens or early 20s.  If your wisdom teeth come...

Understanding the Different Types of Fillings Dec 7th, 2021

Unless you’ve sat in the dentist’s chair recently, you probably haven’t given much thought to what the fillings in people’s teeth are made of. But if you’re about to head to the dentist, or if you’ve just been told you need a filling, it’s important to understand the different types...

5 Benefits of a Root Canal Nov 2nd, 2021

Let’s take a moment to appreciate an underrated staple of any dental practice: the humble root canal.  Root canals over the years have gotten a bad reputation, but with today’s technology, a root canal likely won’t cause you pain beyond any initial discomfort. At Smile Design Manhattan in the Midtown...

Am I a Good Candidate for Invisalign? Oct 7th, 2021

Maybe you haven’t fully smiled for a picture in years, or you always put your hand up to hide your mouth when you speak.  If these situations (or countless others like them) feel familiar, it may be time to fix those crooked teeth. And Invisalign® might be just the solution...

4 Conditions That Veneers Correct Sep 6th, 2021

Even if you’ve been reluctant to show your smile for years because your teeth aren’t picture-perfect, all hope isn’t lost. Even if you’ve considered getting veneers but thought they looked too fake, all hope isn’t lost. Even if you think veneers might work, but your problems are too severe, all...

How Often Should I Have My Teeth Cleaned? Aug 10th, 2021

If you’re looking for an easy way to keep your smile bright and your breath fresh while also improving and supporting the overall health of your body, regular teeth cleanings are an important but often overlooked way to accomplish this. At Smile Design Manhattan in New York City’s Midtown West...

3 Types of Sedation Medicine Jul 20th, 2021

According to the numbers, dental anxiety (or dental fear) affects about 36% of the population, with another 12% suffering from extreme dental fear. That’s almost half of Americans who are uneasy about going to the dentist. Beyond the numbers, though, these are real people with real fears. If you’re one...

Life After Dental Implant Surgery Jun 20th, 2021

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, 3 million people in the United States have a dental implant, with 500,000 more being added to that list every year. Given that more than 36 million Americans don’t have any teeth, and 120 million are missing at least one tooth, the...

Non-Cosmetic Reasons to Fix Your Smile Problems May 10th, 2021

Flaws in your smile aren’t just detrimental to your appearance. Did you know that it may be important for your long-term dental and oral health to fix your smile? At Smile Design Manhattan, our team of dental experts, under the leadership of founder Lee Gause, DDS, can help you plan...

Does Getting Dental Implants Hurt? Apr 1st, 2021

Dental implant surgery is the new standard of care for missing teeth. While dentures have been used for centuries, these teeth restorations only replace the portion of the tooth above the gumline. There’s no replacement for the roots of your teeth, resulting in the loss of an important biological interaction....

What Is a Gum Lift? Mar 14th, 2021

Supersized foods are trending these days, but no one wants oversized gums that hide their teeth. If you see more of your gums than your teeth when you look in the mirror — commonly called a gummy smile — it’s time to consider a gum lift. Smile Design Manhattan can...

What's the Best Age to Have Wisdom Teeth Removed? Feb 1st, 2021

Wisdom teeth are thought to be vestigial, parts of our body that are no longer necessary due to our evolution, just as the coccyx is a reminder of the tail our ancient ancestors once had. Because of the wear and tear on teeth created by prehistoric diets, a third set...

5 Tips To Keep Your Smile Bright and Healthy Jan 1st, 2021

Your smile is often the first thing others notice. To ensure yours properly represents you, follow these 5 tips for keeping your teeth and gums feeling and looking fabulous. 1. Brush - but not too hard  You already know that brushing at least twice a day is a must. Be...

More to Smile About: We Offer Botox Dec 1st, 2020

Some 7.5 million Botox treatments are performed annually, accounting for about half of all minimally invasive cosmetic treatments for both women and men for that year. At Smiles Design Manhattan, we’re proud to offer this tried and true treatment to our patients. Look older than you feel? If so, Botox...

9 Bad Habits That May be Ruining Your Teeth Nov 1st, 2020

Though adult teeth are designed to last a lifetime, 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. What’s more, some 40 million Americans are missing all of their teeth. Add in the fact that 92% of adults and 42% of kids ages 2-11 have at least one cavity, and...

The 2 Most Common Causes of White Spots on Your Teeth Oct 18th, 2020

If you’re like most Americans, you spend a lot of time and money trying to lighten and whiten your teeth and undo years of yellowing and staining. Yet, there are some white spots that aren’t desirable. Not only are they unsightly, but they may mean that you’re at risk for...

Is Your Sleep Apnea Keeping Your Partner Up at Night? Discover Your Treatment Options Sep 2nd, 2020

If you snore, you know how annoying it can be to you and your sleep partner. Snoring is loud — loud enough to wake you (and your partner) from a good night’s sleep. Over time, a lack of quality sleep can take a major toll on your lifestyle and your...

What are Veneers? Aug 3rd, 2020

There’s an old saying that cautions against throwing the baby out with the bathwater, which means we should do what’s necessary to accomplish our goals without discarding something valuable in the process.  And veneers, especially no-prep veneers, are a perfect example of this. If you’d like to give your smile...

COVID-19 and Dental Care: What You Should Know Jul 20th, 2020

Now that we’ve been living with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for a few months, we’re learning how to take precautions and minimize the risk of contracting the virus. You may be wondering if it’s safe to pursue elective medical procedures or resume routine dental care. Our team at Smile Design...

The Many Benefits of Mouth Guards Jun 16th, 2020

Is what happens while you sleep causing damage to your teeth? A custom-designed mouth guard could be the treatment solution you need to keep your smile happy and healthy!  At Smile Design Manhattan located in Midtown West, New York City, our team of experienced dental providers custom design mouth guards...

Three Reasons Regular Dental Cleanings Are So Important May 13th, 2020

Few people list going to the dentist as one of their favorite activities. But there are three good reasons you should get regular dental cleanings: your overall health, your oral health, and preventive care. It’s about more than your teeth Although you probably think of a dental exam as an...

Dental Implants: The Next Best Thing to Natural Teeth Apr 20th, 2020

If you have one or more problematic or missing teeth, dental implants may be just what the doctor ordered. One of the most effective, healthy, and comfortable tooth-replacement options available today, they look and function like natural, healthy teeth. In fact, no one will likely know you have a dental...

Help! I Have A Knocked Out Tooth: When You Need Emergency Dental Care Mar 19th, 2020

Getting a tooth knocked out is a painful experience, but it’s often followed by something even worse: the realization that you’ve lost a tooth forever! Fortunately, modern dentistry makes it possible to save your tooth as long as you act fast. To increase your chances of saving your tooth, you...

Don't Ignore the Pain – A Root Canal Could Save Your Tooth Feb 1st, 2020

When you get a sliver in your finger, you quickly try to remove it to alleviate pain and prevent infection in your finger. So, when you have an infected tooth, doesn’t it make sense that to stop the pain and discomfort, you should remove the source of that irritation, as...

New Year, New Teeth: How All-on-4 Implants Can Change Your Life Jan 9th, 2020

Although dentures are the most popular choice for missing teeth because of their affordability, they aren’t without faults. If you’re tired of shifting and slipping dentures, but want to prevent bone loss in your jaw, you can now opt for a better way to replace your missing teeth. Our team...

Waking Up with Headaches? You Might Need a Mouthguard Dec 1st, 2019

When your jaw or teeth aren’t aligned, you can experience tense muscles in your jaw, mouth, and neck. The condition can affect your bite and cause clenching and/or grinding, called bruxism, at night. The stress of tensing your muscles or grinding your teeth for an extended period of time can...

How to Extend the Results of Teeth Whitening Nov 1st, 2019

All teeth darken over time, even teeth that have been whitened. Lifestyle, hygiene, and even food habits play an important role in this process. Teeth whitening has many advantages, like giving your smile a youthful and healthy appearance. That’s why it can be disappointing to see the bright results fade...

Non-Cosmetic Reasons to Consider Veneers Oct 1st, 2019

Are you dissatisfied with your smile? Have you ever considered a cosmetic fix to help improve your confidence?  In New York, New York, our staff at Smile Design Manhattan specialize in veneers. Veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment for both men and women to improve their smiles. While many people...

Why Zoom Professional Teeth Whitening is Superior to Over-the-Counter Products Sep 1st, 2019

Are discolored, stained, or dull teeth taking the confidence out of your smile? Have you thought about using a teeth-whitening system to tackle your less-than-pearly teeth?   There are many choices when it comes to teeth whitening, from over-the-counter (OTC) products, like whitening toothpaste, charcoal treatments, and whitening strips to in-office...

Sedation Dentistry: Because Anxiety Shouldn't Prevent You From Getting the Oral Care You Need Aug 2nd, 2019

Does the dentist make you nervous? Don't worry, you’re not the only one. In fact, that's why sedation dentistry exists. This option eases patients' nerves so they feel calmer during their appointment. Our team of doctors at Smile Design Manhattan understand the fear some patients have for the dentist, which...

Don't Want a CPAP? Learn How Our Comfortable, Custom Dental Guards Help Sleep Apnea Patients Jul 3rd, 2019

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that affects more than 20 million adults in the United States. This chronic condition refers to sleep interrupted by periods of non-breathing, either due to an obstruction in your airway or to central signals sent by your brain. These instances of slow or non-breathing...

Mobile Dentistry: It's True, We Come to You Jun 11th, 2019

In times past, convenience and quality tended to be mutually exclusive, but the burgeoning world of online shopping and home-delivery services is changing the way we do business. Now consumers can purchase quality goods without the hassle of in-person shopping. Joining this revolution are at-home services, which provide everything from...